
Right, so what started out back in 2011 having just joined the gym and found out that not only was I 20kg overweight, but that my body fat was disgustingly high, is evolving! This blog is a reflection of my journey to a state of better health, vastly improved self confidence and hopefully a far more energetic me! It is also a place where I can ramble on about whatever takes my fancy. I cannot promise to write well, but I do promise to be honest in my ramblings.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

When you have DOMS - you feel pain!

So peeps, I discovered what DOMS is!  Oh yes, you know when you've had a really good workout and you've pushed it quite hard, and you think to yourself "oooh I'm going to wake up so stiff" and then you don't!  Wow! Awesome!  You leap out of bed and feel pretty bullet-proof!  You decide to get your cardio down at the beach because the sun is shining and it's just a perfect day.  You push it some more - really getting and keeping that heart rate up and burning that fat.  You feel it in the legs, but that's good... right?  You get home, now you're basically on a high, jumping and dancing around to a Boom CD.  In fact, you go and dig out the weighted ball and start playing around with it.  Yeah, work those arms and work that core!  Ok, so you finally manage to settle down a little and relax.  Aaaah!  You have an awesome night's sleep and wake up to a pain in the shoulder you're lying on.  You attempt to move, but the other shoulder and the abs protest too.  Making little whimpering sounds and doing a sort of body shuffle, you manage to manouevre yourself around to lying flat on your back.  Ok, if you keep rather still and not breathe too deeply, then everything seems ok.  Trying to get out of bed.... that's another story.  It feels like someone has dislocated both shoulders.  Man this is insane!!  No it's not, it's Delayed Onset Muscle Stiffness or DOMS!!  Alright so after my cup of hot water and lemon juice, I do a whole lot of stretching and I feel a bit better.  I decide to stay away from the weights today and rather just stick with the cardio.  Again I opt to make the most of the beautiful weather, and head for the beach.  I do a short 30 minute power walk, but I push it as fast as I can.  And again, I feel great afterwards!  I have a protein supplement right after my exercise to try and assist those muscles with the recovery.

We have a public holiday - Women's Day - and the family leaves it to me to decide what I'd like to do.  Well, I opted for fishing with the family but that was unfortunately very short-lived as even though there was not a breath of wind in Somerset West, the wind was howling in Gordons Bay!  I opted to visit my Mom and after that decided to tackle the weights at the gym again.  I dragged my son along with me.  Off we went to the gym on the other side of the N2.  I did a 10 minute warm up, got through the circuit without throwing up or having a stroke, did a vicious rowing stint and then cooled down on a spinning bike.  Sweat damp hair sticking to my neck, beetroot red face and singing heart and I grab a skinny sugarless coffee at Kauai and head home.  Woohooo!!!  Endorphins - hullo - love you!!  I got home and mentioned that the wind had dropped down at the beach.  I asked my husband if he didn't feel like a cycle at the beach.  He said sure, so off we went.  Ok, so I've done the weights and now I'm going to tackle cardio - all on one day - well if I don't burn off some body fat this week, I'll be most disappointed!

Oh, and there is no turning back now, I've actually booked my bicycle for the spinning class on Friday!  Watch this space...

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