
Right, so what started out back in 2011 having just joined the gym and found out that not only was I 20kg overweight, but that my body fat was disgustingly high, is evolving! This blog is a reflection of my journey to a state of better health, vastly improved self confidence and hopefully a far more energetic me! It is also a place where I can ramble on about whatever takes my fancy. I cannot promise to write well, but I do promise to be honest in my ramblings.

Friday 12 August 2011

Spinning? Gulp!

As I approach the end of my second week, I realize that I have discovered two really important things.  

Firstly, that you don't have to go to the gym every day, but you do have to remain active every day.  People so often say "oh where do you find the time to exercise, I certainly don't have time to exercise" and it just doesn't wash with me.  You see, if you value yourself and your health, then you prioritize exercise as extremely important and you work around that.  I mean surely one doesn't say "oh well, if I have time this morning I'll brush my teeth"!  I don't think so!! So whether you go to the gym and pump iron for an hour or whether you power walk for twenty minutes while you wait for your kid, you're being active and that's cool.  That adds up to that magic word "consistency".  Consistency can attain goals that seemed completely unobtainable. 

Secondly, I discovered something called "spinning".  I took the plunge and booked myself into a spinning class for 05h30 in the morning so that I would not be able to cancel a few hours beforehand.  I have to say I was terribly nervous.  I had visions of the whole spinning class looking on as they try to resuscitate me, but it was actually alright.  I'm here telling the tale!  The instructor was great.  After asking if there were any beginners and me putting my hand in the air, she came over and made sure I knew exactly how to set up the spinning bike, checking that I'd get a comfortable ride and telling me to pace myself and not try and keep up if I felt it was beyond me.  Rather come back again and build up slowly than be put off for life.  Ok, I like her thinking!  Those sections where you have stand up and cycle "uphill" were absolute killers.  I'm afraid I only managed a couple before my legs flatly refused to straighten and push me out of my seat, no matter how much I willed them!  Not to worry, I managed to keep up with the pace and the resistance she took the class through even though most of the time I was seated.  I can tell you that my sweat towel came in really handy, especially when mopping up the bike and floor afterwards!  I looked like I'd been dunked in the pool man!!  I felt very awake and ready to take on the day.  I'll definitely go back.  I would in fact aim to do two of those classes a week. And I have to tell you I dedicated my first spinning class to my brand new "great niece" named Scarlet who was born the night before!  

I hope I can in fact get out of bed tomorrow morning, as I need to be at the gym early and do my thing with the weighing/blood pressure/body fat machine again.  I wonder how I've done this week?  I've certainly put in the time on the exercise front and I've been fantastically good on the nutrition front, so I'll hold thumbs... 

1 comment:

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