
Right, so what started out back in 2011 having just joined the gym and found out that not only was I 20kg overweight, but that my body fat was disgustingly high, is evolving! This blog is a reflection of my journey to a state of better health, vastly improved self confidence and hopefully a far more energetic me! It is also a place where I can ramble on about whatever takes my fancy. I cannot promise to write well, but I do promise to be honest in my ramblings.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Week 3 - heading for week 4

Alright people, yes, I have been rather quiet of late.  I have been through a bit of a dip or a downer or whatever you'd like to call it.  I've had various stresses and strains on me and if you combine that with a complete lack of progress according to "the machine" at the gym, then you get a bit of a blue mood!  Now don't worry - nothing so depro that I rushed off and bought a dozen doughnuts, or a double-thick milkshake or a whole lot of chocolates!  No, no!  I am proud to say I've remained strong and I've exercised diligently and and I've been really disciplined on the food front.  How, I hear you ask, have I achieved this when I have zero help from that machine at the gym?  Well, people have actually started asking me how much weight I've lost and telling me I'm looking great, etc, etc.  This goes a long way in encouraging me to stay on track!  Yes, I can feel the difference in my clothes, but I suppose I'm hung up on seeing the results on the scale!  I've just decided to keep plodding on towards my goal and remembering to actually enjoy the journey and, without exactly losing focus of the destination, enjoy each step of the way.  You know the proverbial "living in the moment" type scenario.  I think it works!  I've learned that we can be so hard on ourselves and all that self-talk which absolutely drips negativity can be so damaging to our long term goals.  Let's learn to enjoy the here and now.  Let's savour our day to day experiences.  Let's take a step back and take a look at the negative experiences and instead of saying "oh why me", let's look at the hidden gem in them that is the lesson. 

I know that as I approach week number four of my mission, I'm learning to live in the moment - enjoy the warm hug of a friend, enjoy the pure endorphins as they kick in after 50 minutes of hectic cardio, the warm feeling of assisting a patient of almost 90 years with their bill and experiencing their appreciation, the joy of having a job to go to each morning, the bliss of sliding into a warm bed in a warm home with a hot water bottle, the privilege of owning your own car... oh my goodness, I digress!  I can get completely carried away when thinking of how many blessings I have!  

I've been experimenting with going to gym at different times of the day to see what works for me and for the family commitments.  I'll find my rhythm soon!  In the meantime, I'm loving the journey.  

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