
Right, so what started out back in 2011 having just joined the gym and found out that not only was I 20kg overweight, but that my body fat was disgustingly high, is evolving! This blog is a reflection of my journey to a state of better health, vastly improved self confidence and hopefully a far more energetic me! It is also a place where I can ramble on about whatever takes my fancy. I cannot promise to write well, but I do promise to be honest in my ramblings.

Sunday 14 August 2011

The Second Week - the honeymoon's over!

After a marvelous second week, doing all the right things, eating the right things, and feeling fantastic, I really couldn't wait to get on that machine at the gym and actually see my progress on record.  What an awful disappointment!  Nothing!  NO weight lost, NO body fat burnt - how could this be?  I was so taken aback that I actually weighed myself again as I thought the machine was picking up my recording from last week!  No, there it was in front of me on black and white - no progress.  My heart sank.  Very fortunately I had measured myself before going off to the gym and in the past two weeks I have lost a total of 13cm.  I have to force myself to focus on that and not on the lack of progress on the weight/body fat front.  It's really hard though.  It's hard not to start beating yourself up about being a failure and all the other negative things we love to say to ourselves.  I proceeded to do a good weights workout, and enjoyed watching the characters in the gym.  

My son and I have named the one dude "The Beast".  He is probably in his late forties or early fifties, he is about 1.7m tall and is built like a brick sh*thouse!!  He looks mean too!  I stood a short distance away from him while doing  bicep curls with my 3kg dumb bells.  Please note I've progressed from 2kg!!!  So he has his music plugged into his ears, he picks up a 20kg dumb bell in each hand, and in a very rhythmic fashion, grunts his way through his bicep curls.  He's relentless and unstoppable and gives most of the machines there the hiding of their lives! 

Then there was Cardioboy - this guy - obviously a body builder - maybe preparing for a competition or something and trying to drop body fat.  He was punishing the cardio equipment - he must surely have cycled from here to George, then ran around the Peninsula and followed that up with rowing to PE!  He also looked mean though.  At one point when I was warming up on the rowing machine, he walked past me and gave me a filthy look. Maybe I just reminded him of his ex-wife or something.

Back at the weights section there is Demongirl.  She is this tiny little lady - impossible to say whether she is actually about 14 years old or whether she is just a really petite full grown woman.  Either way she has a power to weight ratio that's beyond human!  

After we'd finished up, we were walking out of the gym, an absolutely freezing wind coming off the mountains and all I wanted to do was to keep walking across the parking lot straight into the Spur and order the biggest breakfast they have on the menu!  Fortunately I did not and have maintained my discipline all weekend.  There is a birthday at work tomorrow, so I'm saving myself for a piece of cake!  

Let's see how week three goes...

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