
Right, so what started out back in 2011 having just joined the gym and found out that not only was I 20kg overweight, but that my body fat was disgustingly high, is evolving! This blog is a reflection of my journey to a state of better health, vastly improved self confidence and hopefully a far more energetic me! It is also a place where I can ramble on about whatever takes my fancy. I cannot promise to write well, but I do promise to be honest in my ramblings.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Week Seven ... and I should be halfway to my goal... but....

Hullo and goodbye week seven and what a week it's been.  It's been bad on several fronts.  On Monday after work, I missed my power walk - for a very good reason though - I went to visit my Mom!  Nevertheless, I missed my exercise session.  After getting home, we realised our dogs were missing.  We went into panic mode and immediately started a search party.  We drove all over the place and whistled and called and whistled and called some more - but nothing.  I think if I had 2 hours sleep on Monday night it was a lot.  I kept thinking the dogs were come back home during the middle of the night.  I was really afraid that they had been stolen as the one is a pitbull and she is everybody's friend!  She will literally make friends with anyone and go with them.  I had terrible visions of dog fights, etc.  Tuesday mornings I'm usually in the gym at 05h00, but at that time I was far too much in panic mode to go gym.  It probably would've been the best thing to do, but I was in zombie mode.  I called the animal welfare as soon as they opened and lo and behold, some wonderful woman had picked up the dogs at Radloff Park and looked after them overnight! Phew!  WHAT a relief!  

Let's say that on the nutrition front, things went awry as well!!  On Monday we had a birthday at work and I consumed a small piece of cheesecake.  Not too bad.  Then Tuesday arrived and some wonderful person brought another cheesecake as a belated birthday cake for the birthday boy. I yet again consumed  a small piece of cheesecake.  So Wednesday arrived and, yip, you guessed it, a rep brought another cheesecake!! Oh my hat, Nando's for lunch and cheesecake for dessert.  Ok, clearly when I'm placed under severe stress and don't get enough sleep, my strength, motivation and total unwavering commitment to my goal goes out the window!!  Yikes! 

I'd had a horrendous muscle spasm in my shoulder over the weekend, with a niggling pain in my calf muscle and a nerve pinching in my lower back on and off.  By Wednesday I was limping and was not a happy chappy.  I did my power walk after work and really limped around the park quite badly.  I realised I probably should have listened to my body and not pushed it, but with the darn cheesecake sitting on my left thigh and right hip, I had to do something!!  I phoned the chiropractor on Thursday morning and fortunately she could see me within two hours!  She gave me a good talking to, told me NO ZUMBA on Thursday night, but that I could go back to gym on Friday afternoon if I promised to take it easy.  Of course I would!!!  *evil grin*... 

Well, as it turns out I HAD to take it easy on Friday afternoon because my husband decided he wanted to come and check out the facilities at Somerset West VA.  So most of the time was spent walking around talking about the various bits of equipment and not doing much working out!  Maybe a good thing.  

Saturday was of course a big rugby game, so my planned first yoga class just didn't happen as the game was still on!  I did a lot of washing, a lot of cleaning, and then slept.  Yip!  I lay down and slept!  Bliss!  I was woken by my son who had found a young beagle running around the streets in front of cars, looking very confused.  He had taken her to a vet to check if she had a chip - she didn't.  So he brought her home.  It really surprised me, but this little doggie got on with my two like a house on fire.  They played up a storm!  

Sunday morning was spent putting up "found" posters and shopping.  Then it was time to hit the gym!  Oh, how awesome it is to do over an hour of hard cardio.  It kinda shakes off a lot of stress and strain.  I have remained true to my word and stayed away from the machine that weighs, checks body fat and blood pressure.  I think I have another two or three weeks to go before I'm allowed on there again.  Hope I can hold out that long hey!!  

So, although I cannot give you any numbers as far as progress goes, I can report back that I am  still attending gym regularly, I'm being good most of the time on the nutrition front, and I am still loving this fitness lifestyle!  It's a little scary that I should be halfway to my goal and I don't feel that I'm even close, but I'll continue plodding along closer to my goal one step at a time.  

Wellness wishes to you all!  

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