
Right, so what started out back in 2011 having just joined the gym and found out that not only was I 20kg overweight, but that my body fat was disgustingly high, is evolving! This blog is a reflection of my journey to a state of better health, vastly improved self confidence and hopefully a far more energetic me! It is also a place where I can ramble on about whatever takes my fancy. I cannot promise to write well, but I do promise to be honest in my ramblings.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Week 10 - probably the toughest yet

I have just had to check the calendar and make absolutely sure that I really have been doing this thing for 10 weeks already!!  It doesn't seem possible!  On various fronts...

Ok, so today is the start of week 10.  Still, I expected to be 10kg down by now and looking a whole lot different to when I started.  I really haven't had a good week, so this blog entry may have a bit of a negative feel to it.  I may even become whiny at some point, but I did promise in the beginning to be honest!  And right now, I feel a bit like a whiny child who cannot get their way!  

After being well and truly "donnered" by the yoga class, my entire body hurt for days afterwards.  I did a power walk on the Monday after work, but on Tuesday morning when my alarm woke me at 04h40 for my early morning gym session, my body just said "forgeddaboudit, capiche".  I had also not slept well for two nights in a row. I reset the alarm and went straight back to sleep!  I spent the day on Wednesday at Tygerberg Hospital and when I went to drop my son at the dance studio for his hip hop class (and of course my power walk), we found the studio closed and so we assumed that class was finished for the term.  I drove home - no power walk.  On Thursday I had to catch up on Wednesday's work that I'd missed and so ended up working late - and missing my beloved 17h30 zumba class.  My colleague is on leave, so I worked all day on Friday and therefore missed out on my usual hectic Friday afternoon workout too.  Aaarrrrgghhh!!!  Just like that and a whole week has slipped by and the exercise sessions are sorely lacking.  

We were child-free on Friday evening and went to a movie - Friends with Benefits.  Very sweet movie by the way - a fairly predictable romcom, but you know for me, I go to movies to escape reality, so I like the nice ending type movie, or the real skop, skiet and donder also does it for me, although I get a little amped and should preferably see a movie like that first thing in the morning, followed by a gym session!  I digress.... Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis are the two main characters in the movie - plenty eye candy for both the guys and the girls.  However, it got me thinking and feeling like a fat, middle-aged, washed up disaster zone!  Believe me, when I hit the gym on Saturday morning, I was DRIVEN!  Between yesterday and today I managed to catch up on my calorie burn for the week.  I am really looking forward to this coming week as I'll be able to hit the gym every morning as the kids have school holidays now and so my time is a little less hectic in the mornings!  Maybe I can double my calorie burn this week and make some head way!  

Again I say consistency is key as is continually checking in with yourself and finding out why you have these goals and keeping yourself motivated even when it seems that results are a far off dream.  

I have only 6 weeks left to my first goal post and then 10 weeks to the next.  Time to drop a gear or two and open up the throttle!!

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