
Right, so what started out back in 2011 having just joined the gym and found out that not only was I 20kg overweight, but that my body fat was disgustingly high, is evolving! This blog is a reflection of my journey to a state of better health, vastly improved self confidence and hopefully a far more energetic me! It is also a place where I can ramble on about whatever takes my fancy. I cannot promise to write well, but I do promise to be honest in my ramblings.

Sunday 9 October 2011

Week 11 - 180%

Well, here we are at the start of week 11 and what a week has just gone by!  You know, I use a Polar heart rate monitor which is set up to improve my fitness.  It gives me the amount of calories I need to burn in a week in order to do that and at midnight every Sunday night it leaves a little envelope on the screen of my watch for me to find on Monday morning to tell me how well I've done for the week!  This morning it told me I achieved 180% of my weekly calorie burn!  Awesome!  Now, I managed to do this because it was school holidays so I could hit the gym every morning for a decent workout without the clock chasing me to get home and get the boys up and everything organised and ready for the school run.  It was truly fantastic!  Having a really good gym session in the morning is the most awesome way to start the day.  I know I was not supposed to, but I snuck onto the machine during the week - clearly I've hit another plateau because my weight is the same and the body fat is the same as the previous time.  That's ok - at least it hasn't gone UP and I've figured now that my body does this in some sort of step pattern!  Just when I'm ready to give up and throw in the sweat towel, I suddenly get results!  

I don't actually think I could give this up now!  I have become kinda addicted to exercise now and the great thing is to realise that it's just become part of my lifestyle now.  That's a great feeling.  I was chatting to a friend in the gym on Saturday - this was after I'd just attained my goal of cycling 10km in 20 minutes - and saying that my results are so slow and I seem to be working really hard and being very good about what goes into my mouth.  She suggested I actually add a bit of carbs to my meals before 14h00 - NO carbs after that!  Now if you could see her body, you would listen to everything she has to say!!  May I just mention here that she is a granny and she looks better than most of the young bokkies at the gym!  

Oh ouch!  Talking of bokkies.... ai shame, our fantastic Bokke were knocked out of the world cup on Sunday morning in the quarter finals.  There seemed to be a cloud of depression and frustration hanging over SA all of yesterday!  Look I don't know enough about rugby to criticize... but the REF!!!!  I don't know!  

Ok people, it looks like Summer is making a great attempt at arriving and actually staying for a while!  Let's rock this week's socks off, ok?!

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