
Right, so what started out back in 2011 having just joined the gym and found out that not only was I 20kg overweight, but that my body fat was disgustingly high, is evolving! This blog is a reflection of my journey to a state of better health, vastly improved self confidence and hopefully a far more energetic me! It is also a place where I can ramble on about whatever takes my fancy. I cannot promise to write well, but I do promise to be honest in my ramblings.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Whisky Tango Foxtrot! We've entered the last month of the first quarter!

Good grief, but 2013 is going like a boeing!  I'm finding it hard to deal with all the Easter goodies in the shops when I feel like I'm still trying to catch my breath from all the Christmassy stuff.  Talking of catching my breath... last week on Wednesday, I went to my mid-week zumba fix.  Shame man, Elroy was not well.  He said he had a bit of a cold and his voice was pretty much non-existent.  To make matters worse (for the hearing humans that is!)  the sound system was giving problems and his microphone was not working.  He resorted to hand signals only - something which suits me down the ground being a deaf one! Respect brother!  This guy took us through the whole class, sick or not, and ensured we had our fix.  As always, it was an awesome, de-stressing class.  

Due to time constraints along with a dose of demotivation, I had not made it to gym on Monday evening and so Wednesday was my first workout of the week.  Yikes!  I would be short for my total calorie burn for the week.  Friday afternoon saw me in the gym - on my off afternoon nogal -  to make up for Monday.  I had a quick, intense workout.  I was desperately looking forward to the weekend as I'd planned to go away for Saturday/Sunday with a couple of friends.  You know, leave the husband and the sons to fend for themselves for a few hours!  I was delighted that we were only leaving late morning as that meant that I could still get my Saturday morning zumba fix.  Yeah!  I got to the gym and noticed that the queue was not as long as usual for a Saturday morning.  Immediately I was concerned as I was not sure what was going on.  On my way back from the water fountain where I had filled my water bottle, I saw a friend in line who said that Elroy was off sick.  Oh no, I practically felt the blood drain from my face.  She noticed my worry and said that there was a replacement instructor - allegedly named Sakkie.  Oh dear, my heart sank.  What kind of zumba class would Sakkie give and who was he and where did he fall out of?  I had no hope.  Fortunately, I needed my fix and so stood in line and entered the class along with the other die-hards.  Well, in bounded this dude - T-shirt, track pants, tackies, and muscles.  Mmmmm, nice to look at.... but would he perform?  I almost felt sorry for him as to attempt to fill Elroy's shoes must be an awfully daunting task.  I mean Elroy makes us laugh, he makes us feel special, sexy, positive and to top it all he gives us one phenomenal, booty-shaking, calorie burning workout!  

Let me say straight off the bat - Sakkie did not disappoint!  Sakkie has a very different style to Elroy.  Sakkie has a fantastic sense of humour though and he can move that gorgeous body of his - let me assure you!  Man, that guy can dance!  We even did the zorba!!  Of course without the plate breaking and ouzo.  

It amazes me, how you have a simple change like a different zumba instructor, and suddenly different muscles come into play.  Divine!  I could feel it when my friends and I went for a walk on Saturday afternoon.  Sakkie, my booty and my thighs just love you man!

I am very motivated for my Monday workout, and naturally, I'm looking forward to my Wednesday/Elroy/Zumba fix - but I have to say - I wouldn't mind crossing zumba paths with Sakkie again sometime!!

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